Superior University Depalpur


All Words Relating to Army Life and their Uses:

Base :
A place where members of the armed forces live and work.

Billet : To put soldiers in a billet.                                                                                               

Detail : To give someone a particular job, especially someone in the armed forces.

: Jobs such as cleaning rooms or cooking food that a soldier is given to do, sometimes as a punishment.

Fort A place where an army lives or trains.

Garrison : The place that a group of soldiers are living in and defending.

Garrison : To put soldiers in a place to live there and defend it.

Garrison : To defend a place that you live in as a soldier.

Generalship: The skills or position of an army general.

 Guardroom : A room for soldiers who are working as guards, sometimes also used as a place for keeping military prisoners.

Irregular : Irregular soldiers are not part of the official army of a country.

Mess : A room where people have their meals in the armed forces.

Mess hall : A room where people in the armed forces have their meals.

National service : A fixed period of time that young people in some countries must spend in the armed forces

Observation post : A high position from which a soldier watches for enemy activity..

Picket: To put soldiers in position to guard a place.

Quarter : To give soldiers a place to live temporarily.

Regular : Belonging to a professional army, or consisting of professional soldiers.                                 Salute : To put your hand to your head as a formal way of showing respect to someone, especially a senior  officer in the armed forces.

Serge : Used for talking to or about a sergeant in the armed forces.

Service : Relating to or belonging to the armed forces.

Soldiering :The work of a soldier.

Soldierly : Typical of a good soldier.

Standard-issue :

standard-issue equipment is the basic equipment that everyone in the armed forces gets.

Standing order : A rule in the armed forces that must always be obeyed until another rule officially changes it.

Station : A small military base.

Stores : Supplies of food and equipment used by an army.

In uniform : Serving as a member of the armed forces.

Tour of duty : A period of time when a group of soldiers or a government representative is sent to work somewhere.

Under arms : Trained and ready to fight as an army.

Some Words and there uses:
Aggression : An unprovoked attack by an enemy
Belligerents : Nations carrying on warfare
Conscriptions : Compulsory enrolment as soldiers and sailors
Casualties : The killed or wounded in battle
Convoy : A number of ships traveling together under escort for the sake of safety
Contraband : Smuggling of goods and engaging in prohibited traffic
Espionage : The act or the practice of spying
Evacuate : To remove from one place to another to avoid the destruction of war
Embargo : An order prohibiting the ships to leave the ports
Mobilize : To make troops and ships for war services
Invade : To enter another country as an enemy
Neutral : Taking neither side in a struggle
Alien : An illegal foreigner in a country
Intern : To keep citizens in confinement
Ammunition : Shells, bombs and other destructive items
Ordnance : Heavy guns and army store-items
Bayonet : A knife fixed on to the end of a gun
Parole : A promise given by the prisoner if given a temporary release
Puttees : Long cloths bound round the legs of soldiers from ankle to knee
Reveille : Music for awakening the soldiers in the morning
Arsenal : A place where naval or military weapons are made or stored
Parachute : An apparatus which opens like an umbrella to enable a person to drop safely from an aircraft
Volley : A shower of bullets
Salvo : The firing of many guns at the same time to mark an occasion
Cavalry : Horse-soldiers
Infantry : Foot-soldiers
Fusillade : A number of fire arms discharged continuously
Reconnoiter : To make an examination of enemy territory
Armistice : An agreement to stop fighting
Capitulate : To surrender to an enemy on agreed terms
Annihilate : To reduce to nothing
Amnesty : A general pardon of offenders
Battalion : The main division of an army
Besiege : To surround a place with the intention of capturing it
Recruit : A soldier recently enlisted for services
Leave : A soldier’s holiday
Furlough : A soldier’s holiday
Bulletin : Official report on the progress of the war
Diplomacy : The art of conducting negotiations between nations
• Garrison : A body of soldiers stationed in the fortress to defend it
Garrison : The fortified fortress
Bandolier : A broad belt worn across the chest with pockets for carrying ammunitions
Conscript : A person who is forced by the law to become a soldier
Guerilla war : An irregular war conducted by scattered bands
Man oeuvre  : Movement of ships or troops in order to secure an advantage over the enemy
Commandeer : To seize for military use
Demobilize : To release from army
Bivouac : An encampment in the open air
Bivouac : To camp in the open air without tent
Canteen : A place where soldiers can buy drinks and other refreshments
find for the first time.

Some other words:
Anti-guerrilla Operations: Operations which are conducted against guerilla forces. 
Area Defense: A type of defense that is oriented toward retaining a particular terrain. Area defense will rely mainly on the deployed forces that fire to repulse and stop the attackers.
Assault: The last step on an attack phase. It is rushing to close combat in order to drive the enemy out for hand-to-hand combat, using hand grenades and bayonets.
Attack: Form of offensive combat. It is an offensive type of action that is directed against the enemy. The purpose is to drive the enemy from his position in order to kill or capture.
Barrage:Protective firing of indirect firing weapons
Boundaries: The company and battalion defense areas which are limited due to terrain and means of approach.
Caliber: The diameter of the measured bore. It is expressed in decimal inch fractions.
Charge: Part of a fire command. It establishes the propellant’s amount in a shell.
Checkpoint: An easy to identify point on a terrain used for controlling the movement or identifying locations.
Civic Action: The act of using military forces on certain projects involving its contribution to economic development purposes for the locals. Some of the projects usually cover agriculture, education, public works, communications, sanitation, and health 
Close combat: Refers to hand-to-hand combat or fighting. It involves the use of weapons such as pistols, bayonets, rifles, and hand grenades.
Counterattack: Refers to the attack by a portion or the entire defensive force against the attackers. The main purpose of such an attack is to regain the ground that has been lost, or to destroy the enemy’s advance units. The objective is to deny the enemy of friendly territory.  
D-day:  Refers to the day in which an operation will commence.
Debarkation: The process of unloading equipment, supplies, or troops from an aircraft or ship.
Deployment: The extension of depth or width of a unit. It refers to how a particular unit is organized for combat.
Direct fire: Refers to the fire that is delivered by a weapon which is aimed directly to its target.
Dump:Temporary space to store military supplies.
Ejection: Refers to the process of expelling empty cartridges from weapons using an ejector.
Evacuation: It is the process of relocating casualties from the battlefield. It is also the clearance of personnel from a locality. 
Extraction: The phase of an operation which involves the removal of empty cartridges through ejection.
Ground Zero: The specific point on a ground where a nuclear weapon exploded.
Guerillas: Refers to the combatants which are members of an organized military force. Their activities usually involve harassment and disruption of the opposing forces.
Infiltrate: The passing of troops in small groups through an entrance in the enemy’s side.
Insurgency: Refers to rebellious political activity, revolt, or rebellion designed to overthrow or weaken the authority by its very own people.
Insurrection: The process of rising up to challenge the government by its very own people. 
Obstacle: A natural or artificial barrier that impedes or stops the unit’s movement.
Penetration: Form of attack that allows the attacking force to enter or move forward through the enemy’s defensive position. 
Political warfare: Refers to the aggressive approach in using politic methods to fulfill national plans.
Raid: Refers to a small scale operation that involves quickly penetrating hostile territory in order to secure important information, to rattle the enemy, or to destroy their installations. When the mission is accomplished, the operation ends with a withdrawal.
Rebellion: Refers to open resistance that is organized and armed against the government. 
Revolt: To cast off allegiance to the government.
Revolution: A rebellion that is able to succeed in toppling down the government and establishing new authority. 
Security: Actions taken by a certain command in order to protect its group from sabotage, espionage, and observation.
Withdrawal : An action whereby the unit disengages from the enemy as a direct order from their commander. 
Zone of fire: A particular area where a unit delivers or is about to deliver fire.
Army Abbreviations
ACK Acknowledgement
ACL Access control list; allowable cabin load
ACLANT Allied Command Atlantic
ACLP Affiliated contingency load planning
ACM Advanced conventional munitions; advanced cruise missile;
air combat maneuver; air contingency Marine air-ground
task force (MAGTF); airspace coordinating measure
ACMREQ Airspace control means request; airspace coordination
measures request
ACN Assign commercial network
ACO Administrative contracting officer; airspace control order
ACOA Adaptive course of action
ACOC Area communications operations center
ACOCC Air combat operations command center
ACOS Assistant chief of staff
ACP Access control point; air commander’s pointer; airspace
control plan; Allied communications publication;
assign common pool
ACR Armored cavalry regiment (Army);
assign channel reassignment
ACS Agile combat support; air-capable ship; airspace control
system; Auxiliary crane ship
ACSA Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement; Allied
Communications Security Agency
AC/S, C4I Assistant Chief of Staff, Command, Control,
Communications, Computers, and Intelligence
ACT Activity; advance civilian team;
Allied Command Transformation
ACU Assault craft unit
ACV Aircraft cockpit video; armored combat vehicle
ACW Advanced conventional weapons
A/D Analog-to-digital
AD Active duty; advanced deploy ability; air defense;
area denial; automatic distribution; priority add-on
ADA Aerial damage assessment; air defense artillery
A/DACG Arrival/departure airfield control group
ADAFCO Air defense artillery fire control officer
ADAL Authorized dental allowance list
ADAM Air defense airspace management
ADAM/BAE Air defense airspace management/brigade aviation element
ADAMS Allied Deployment and Movement System
ADANS Air Mobility Command Deployment Analysis System
ADC Air defense commander; area damage control
ADCAP Advanced capability
A/DCG Arrival/departure control group
ADCI/MS Associate Director of Central Intelligence for Military
ADCON Administrative control
ADD Assign on-line diagnostic
ADDO Assistant Deputy Director for Operations
ADDO(MS) Assistant Deputy Director for Operations/Military
ADE Airdrop damage estimate; assign digit editing
ADF Automatic direction finding
ADIZ Air defense identification zone
ADKC/RCU Automatic Key Distribution Center/Rekeying Control Unit
ADL Advanced distributed learning; assign XX (SL) routing
ADM Air defense measure
ADMIN Administration
ADN Allied Command Europe desired ground zero number
ADNET Anti-drug network
ADOC Air defense operations center
ADP Air defense plan; Army doctrine publication; automated
data processing
ADPE Automated data processing equipment
ADPS Automatic data processing system
ADR Accident data recorder; aircraft damage repair; airfield
damage repair
ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency
ADRP Army doctrine reference publication
ADS Air defense section; air defense sector;
amphibian discharge site; authoritative data source
ADSIA Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency
ADSW Active duty for special work
ADT Active duty for training; assign digital transmission group;
automatic digital tester
ADUSD(TP) Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense,
Transportation Policy
ADVON Advanced echelon
ADW Air defense warnings
ADWC Air defense warning condition
ADZ Amphibious defense zone
A/E Ammunition/explosives
AE Aero medical evacuation; assault echelon; attenuation
AEC Aero medical evacuation crew
AECA Arms Export Control Act
AECM Aero medical evacuation crew member
AECS Aero medical evacuation command squadron
AECT Aero medical evacuation control team
AEG Air expeditionary group
AEHF Advanced extremely high frequency
AELT Aero medical evacuation liaison team
AEOS Aero medical evacuation operations squadron
AEOT Aero medical evacuation operations team
AEPS Aircrew escape propulsion system
AEPST Aero medical evacuation plans and strategy team
AES Aero medical evacuation squadron
AESC Aero medical evacuation support cell
AET Airport emergency team
AETC Air Education and Training Command
AETF Air expeditionary task force
A/ETF Automated/electronic target folder
AEU Assign essential user bypass
AEW Airborne early warning
AF Air Force; Air Force (form); amphibious force
AF/A2 Air Force Director of Intelligence, Surveillance,
and Reconnaissance
AFAARS Air Force After Action Reporting System
AFAPD Air Force Applications Program Development
AFARN Air Force air request net
AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
AFB Air Force base
AFC area frequency coordinator; automatic frequency control
AFCA Air Force Communications Agency
AFCAP Air Force contract augmentation program; Armed
Forces contract augmentation program
AFCB Armed Forces Chaplains Board
AFCC Air Force Component Commander
AFCCC Air Force Combat Climatology Center
AFCEC Air Force Civil Engineer Center
AFCEE Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment
AFCENT Allied Forces Central Europe (NATO)
AFCERT Air Force computer emergency response team
AFCESA Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency
AFD Assign fixed directory
AFDA Air Force doctrine annex
AFDC Air Force Doctrine Center
AFDD Air Force doctrine document
AFDIGS Air Force digital graphics system
AFDIL Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory
AFDIS Air Force Weather Agency Dial In Subsystem
AF/DP Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, United States Air Force
AFE Armed Forces Entertainment
AFEES Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Station
AFFIS Air Facilities File Information System
AFFMA Air Force Frequency Management Agency
AFFOR Air Force forces
AFH Air Force handbook
AFHSC Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center
AFI Air Force instruction
AFIAA Air Force Intelligence Analysis Agency
AFICA Air Force Installation Contracting Agency
AFID Anti-fratricide identification device
AF/IL Deputy Chief of Staff for Installations and Logistics, USAF
AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
AFIRB Armed Forces Identification Review Board

AFIS American Forces Information Service.

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